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Bound for the Promised Land

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PUBLISHER: Shawnee Press
PRODUCT TYPE: Choral Score
The Great Revival of the 1800s gave birth to hundreds of hallelujah songs and Bound for the Promised Land became the anthem of the pioneers, reflecting the courage of a growing nation. Rhythmic and fervent, Jerry DePuit's arrangement gives men's and women's sections a chance to shine separately,
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Arranger Jerry DePuit
Publisher Shawnee Press
Instrumentation SATB
Product Type Choral Score
Instrument Group Mixed Choir
Year of Publication 2001
Genre Folk Music
Voicing SATB
Series Shawnee Press
No. Pages 8
No. HL35002338
The Great Revival of the 1800s gave birth to hundreds of hallelujah songs and Bound for the Promised Land became the anthem of the pioneers, reflecting the courage of a growing nation. Rhythmic and fervent, Jerry DePuit's arrangement gives men's and women's sections a chance to shine separately, then move together from a distant, quiet beginning to a stirring climax.