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Condensation Station

Help keep the band room sanitary and safe!

PUBLISHER: GIA Publications
Each Condensation Station is $12 and is sold as a set of 5 stations and 100 bags. No more dumping your brass instrument’s water on the floor in the post-COVID era! This simple, lidded box (one per seat) holds a disposable baggie to receive a player’s condensation water, helping keep the band room
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Subtitle Help keep the band room sanitary and safe!
Publisher GIA Publications
Product Type Accessory
Instrument Group Accessories
Year of Publication 2021
Brand GIA Publications
No. Pages 4
No. GIA10416
Release Date 10/19/2021
Each Condensation Station is $12 and is sold as a set of 5 stations and 100 bags. No more dumping your brass instrument’s water on the floor in the post-COVID era! This simple, lidded box (one per seat) holds a disposable baggie to receive a player’s condensation water, helping keep the band room sanitary and safe for all. Why didn’t we think of this before? Ingenious design. Dimensions: 9.5" x 8" x 6.5" Patent pending. More bags are available for just $3.50 for a set of 50 bags (G-10416B). Download the instructions here. Learn more about the Condensation Station in the promotional video below: Watch a demonstration of how to assemble your Condensation Station in the video below: