Humpty Dumpty
Composer | Julie Stanley |
Tweede componist | Mary Green |
Publisher | Golden Apple Productions |
Text language | English |
Product Type | Book and Audio Online |
Instrument Group | Classroom |
Year of Publication | 2016 |
ISBN | 9780711986107 |
Series | Golden Apple |
No. Pages | 42 |
No. | MUSGA11129 |
Humpty Dumpty, suitable for any time of the year, takes an enjoyable judicial look at how Mister Dumpty fell off the wall. This fun and attractive musical with eight catchy and clever songs is set in a courtroom, where wemeetthe Plaintiff, Judge, Jury and Witnesses. Suitable for children 5 to 9 years. Duration 40 minutes. Music by Julie Stanley, words and educational notes by Mary Green. Edited by Alison Hedger. Topic work included: Social andmoralgroundwork, History, The Courts Today, Drama and music. This book contains the Piano score and backing tracks can be found on
Scriptavailable in student book.
You will require a license to perform this work at your school/youth theatre; please click here for more informationand ourapplication form.
1. All Alone
2. Duke Of York's Brigade
3. I Am The Judge
4. It's A Mystery
5. Jack And Jill's Story
6. Not Alone
7. Organic Sheep
8. Poor Humpty
9. The Mystery Is Over