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To Chord Theory and Chord Voicing For The Guitarist

PUBLISHER: Stefan Grossman's Guitar Workshop
In this 2-DVD set master guitarist and instructor John Miller walks you through the fundamentals of chord theory, providing you with the conceptual tools needed to understand chord structure, and then shows you how to applythatknowledge to the neck of guitar, making practical sense of the
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Subtitle To Chord Theory and Chord Voicing For The Guitarist
Author John Miller
Publisher Stefan Grossman's Guitar Workshop
Instrumentation Guitar
Text language English
Product Type DVD Pack
Instrument Group Guitar
Genre Tuition
UPC 796279109895
No. MUSGW9945
In this 2-DVD set master guitarist and instructor John Miller walks you through the fundamentals of chord theory, providing you with the conceptual tools needed to understand chord structure, and then shows you how to applythatknowledge to the neck of guitar, making practical sense of the information so that you will be equipped to voice chords up and down the neck in any key.

In Volume One of the set, John goes over the major scale anditsstructure, and then moves on to intervals, familiarizing you with the different interval types and the language used to define and describe them. He moves then into triads and shows how the diatonic triads are derived fromscalestructure, following up triads with seventh chords, the diatonic seventh chords and the various seventh chord types. As you move through these topics, you will find a variety of exercises on the PDF that is included on yourDVD,exercises that will test and build your knowledge of these topics. Having laid the initial theoretical groundwork, John then shows you how to voice triads and seventh chords out of the E, A, C, D and F positions.

InVolumeTwo, John starts out by defining sixth chords and showing how to voice them, then discusses tonic function and seventh chord function. The remainder of Volume Two is devoted to working on songs, seeing how to play the samesong ina variety of keys and positions and how to use the way the guitar is tuned to transpose from one key to another in the easiest possible fashion. After working through this 2-DVD set you will have a sound fundamentalunderstandingof triad, sixth and seventh chord structures in a variety of positions, and won't be deterred from learning songs in flat keys or playing up the neck without a capo. If you are really interested in understandingchords and readyto work on developing your understanding, Introduction to Chord Theory and Chord Voicing for the Guitarist will get you well on your way towards that goal.

On the PDF accompanying the DVD you'll havethe opportunity to
